
Just one more, I've already closed the door
No need to worry even though everything is getting kind of blurry
I can't quite tell you which of you is spinning
Maybe its the earth or maybe its my head
Hopefully I've become little more observant
What was it that you said

Help me, free me, take me all the way
I need You, I want You to do all the things You say
In me, through me, use my insignificance
Take me over, over take me, until there's nothing left but You

And why do I do the things I don't want to
Why can't I ever try the things I never ever dreamed
What's in it for me is the wrong mentality
If I'm going to get to see this life form that Your changing
Your searching to and fro, here I am lets go
Get one step closer when You take me over

Copyright 2000, Zach Vestnys - Thru the Roof